Reports and evaluation
Pages in this sectionReports from previous phases
The files linked below are the final reports from ASDC and the evaluation reports from external evaluators for each phase of Destination Space.
Phase 1 (2015 - 2017)
Overall 2.1 million people were engaged in Destination Space Phase 1. Of these, 900,000 were school children age 5-14 in curriculum-linked space workshops. 75,741 people met and spoke with a space scientist or engineer. The evaluation of over 12,000 school students showed that boys and girls enjoyed the activities equally and were equally inspired and engaged by them.
Phase 1 reports and evaluations
- Destination Space - Phase 1 independent final evaluation report
Phase 2 (2018 - 2021)
Phase 2 was smaller in scale both in terms of reach and funding than Phase 1. Nevertheless, over 340,000 people took part in phase 2, exceeding targets despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Phase 2 reports and evaluations
- Destination Space - Phase 2 Level 2 final report
Phase 3 (2021 - 2022)
Phase 2 was the smallest phase so far in terms of timescale and funding. During this phase over 67,000 people were reached as participating centres adapted their delivery to support their recovery from the impact of COVID-19.
*Final reports to be added in April 2022 after the completion of the project.*
Further reading
The reporting for each of the phases, along with additional information from the UK Association for Science and Discovery Centres (ASDC) on leading the projects can be on their website.