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Arms that never tire: robotics in space missions

Watch a replay of our hangout with ESA astronaut Tim Peake and Rosetta Project scientist…


Becoming an Astronaut - Tim Peake

Tim Peake talks about his route to becoming the first British astronaut to go to…


Cleaning a spacecraft

Astronauts in space expect cargo ships to be clean when their new shipments arrive. But…


Cooking on board the International Space Station

Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti shows us how she manages to cook on board the International Space Station. 


ESA astronauts training for ISS

This video shows ESA astronauts Luca Parmitano, Alexander Gerst and Samantha Cristoforetti training at the…


ESA astronaut Tim Peake spacewalk training

Training underwater on life-size mockups of the Space Station is one way astronauts prepare for…


ESA astronaut Tim Peake winter survival training

All astronauts go through winter survival training. There is always the possibility that a Soyuz…


Gardening in space

Paul Zamprelli, Business Director for Orbital Technologies Corp., talks about the VEGGIES experiment. The study…


Happy Hogmanay from Space

ESA astronaut Tim Peake wishes Earth a Happy Hogmanay, or Scottish New Year, from the…


How do you feel after the first few months in orbit?

Frank De Winne is answering a few questions on the ISS submitted by the pupils…


How do you wash your clothes in space?

Frank De Winne explains how astronauts on the ISS wash their clothes.